Confrérie du Sabre d'Or
Autumn Gala Ball
40e Grand Chapitre Britannique
The Copthorne Tara Hotel
Scarsdale Place, Kensington, London W8 5SY
Friday 29th October 2021
Reception starts 7pm
The UK & Ireland Chapter of the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or continues its return to near normal activities, with an Autumn Gala Ball at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in Kensington. Following the success of our reopening event in July of this year, we will again be dining in the Hotel's flagship event space: The Shannon Suite.
Beginning at 7pm, a Champagne reception of Taittinger Brut Réserve will be held in The Liffey Suite. This is on the Mezzanine Floor of the hotel. Lifts are to the left of Reception as you enter the Hotel - if you prefer the Stairs, go straight ahead (passing Reception on your left) down the corridor toward the Shannon Suite and at the end, to the right are stairs up to the Liffey Suite and Cloakrooms.
Dinner will be called from there at about 8pm when we go back down to the ground floor and into the Shannon Suite. A sumptuous dinner will be served, with further Taittinger Champagne in bottles, Magnums, Jeroboams and Methusalems! A fine red wine (the Avant Garde, Domaine Carneros, Pinot Noir) will also be served during the main course.
Dancing to live music will follow as we welcome back our regular live band: "The Executives", together with Taittinger Champagne through until the early hours. For those not staying over (see below for a special deal on accommodation which may change your mind), carriages should be booked for about 1am.
For anyone less inclined to rythmic gyrations and the associated ear-bashing, or just need a quick sit-down with friends, we have secured full and exclusive access to another of the Hotel's very comfortable and quieter bar areas.
Members and guests can chat and mingle and continue to enjoy their Champagne, before returning to the fray!
We are delighted to be welcoming back, Piper Corporal Nirmal Thapa from the Royal Gurkha Rifles (shown right leading the Parade at the 2019 Anniversary Gala) who will be playing and leading us into dinner along this time with his colleague from the Gurkha regiment, Piper Sergeant Krishnakumar Rai.
Provided below is a 'Print-Friendly' page of information about this Gala Ball event. Click on the image to download a PDF document for keeping, or printing.
Booking is now open and, as usual, tickets for the event are via the Online Booking Form provided below.
Sabrage Promotions:
There will be a very high number of members sabraging to become Chevaliers, or being promoted to higher ranks. Because of this, we will be conducting much of the process and Ceremony of Intronisation, prior to the doors-open time of 7pm. So it's vital all candidates and their supporters arrive at the Hotel in good time.
The Liffey Suite has been established for the Ceremony and everyone should be seated such that we can start by 6pm! Late arrival may mean you will miss your opportunity to Sabrage, plus of course it's quite disruptive. Please make every effort to be on time, thanks.
If you have any questions about Booking, or the Event in general, please feel free to send a message via the website's Contact facility - Click Here.
Accommodation Offer:
The Confrérie du Sabre d'Or has agreed a special discount arrangement for accommodation at the Copthorne Tara Hotel for attendees of this Gala Ball event.
We have needed to 'commit' to a certain number of rooms to achieve this discount, consequently, there are only a limited number available, so you may wish to make your booking as soon as possible.
Click Here to go to the Hotel's website
The link above will take you to the Booking Panel; enter the correct check-in and check-out dates and then click on "CODES AND OPTIONS" and where it says "Use Promo/Offer Code" enter the letters KBFOR
Then click on "UPDATE RESULTS"
Then simply choose the room quality and arrangement (with or without Breakfast) that you require.
Cancellation is free until 2pm on the day before arrival. No pre-payment, rates include VAT and free Wi-Fi
Any problems contact the Hotel's Sales Director:
Markella - 020 7872 2533
Group Bookings Manager:
Ramona - 020 7872 2009
Hope to see you there!!
Gerard O'Shea
(Ambassadeur de La Confrérie du Sabre d'Or)