Confrérie du Sabre d'Or

The Confrérie du Sabre d’Or is devoted to promoting the enjoyment of Champagne and the art of sabrage—opening those bottles with sabres.
We hold a programme of events throughout the year, at a number of prestigious venues around the UK and Ireland. These range from casual drinks receptions to grand Black Tie banquets, but all have one thing in common—they involve lots of Champagne, sabrage, and fun!
In this website, you can learn more about us, our history, and our growing number of Caveaux de Sabrage—bars, restaurants, and hotels where sabrage may be performed.
You can also find out more about membership of the Confrérie du Sabre d'Or, which is a global society with a highly diverse membership of fun-loving fans of Champagne and good food. So if this sounds like something you might enjoy, why not join our mailing list, get in touch, or even come to meet us at an event?